Are you a Global Garner User or UPOS owner and want to do a vendor referral to take its benefits.
In this short guide, we will discuss about the vendors, how to refer vendor, and the benefits of referring a vendor.
Who are the Vendors?
Let’s imagine UPOS Digital Mall as a big online shopping place where lots of different products are available. Now, vendors are like the people who own these products. They sell their products in that mall and give commissions when someone purchases their products.
In simple words, vendors are generally product owners who have listed their products in the UPOS Digital Mall and give commissions when their product sales take place.
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How to Refer a Vendor?
As we have already learned about Vendors, now let’s check about how to refer vendors to Global Garner. Just follow the below steps and start referring vendors.
Step 1: Go to the menu in the GG application or website.
Step 2: Then go to Profile.
Step 3: After that go to Referral and Tap on “Refer a Friend”.
Step 4: Next share the link with your Vendor using any mode you prefer.
Step 5: When the referred vendor registers using your link, it will be shown in your referral list.
Benefits of Referring a Vendor
Above we have learned about vendors and how to refer, now let’s check about what benefits you get after referring a vendor.
When a vendor signs up using your unique link and makes sales you will receive 2.75% of that commission every time they make sales.
In simple words, When the Vendor registers using your Link then you will get 2.75% of the commission they give to global garner after sales for Lifetime.
In conclusion, becoming a Global Garner user or a UPOS owner gives a valuable opportunity to benefit from vendor referrals. For each sale made by the referred vendor, you, as the referrer, receive 2.75% of the commission that the vendor pays to Global Garner. Importantly, you will earn this commission for a lifetime on every sale made by the referred vendor. It’s a simple process with ongoing benefits, creating a win-win situation for both the referred person and the referring person.